Aeropress is a practical and fast method of brewing coffee. Here is the step-by-step process of brewing coffee with Aeropress:


  • Aeropress Filter paper (or metal filter)
  • Ground coffee
  • Hot water (between 90-96°C)
  • Mixer spoon
  • Timer or stopwatch (optional)

Step 1: Filter Preparation

Place the filter on the bottom of the Aeropress. If you are using a paper filter, rinse it with hot water so that it settles inside the filter paper. This also helps prevent paper taste from forming in the paper filter. Then turn the Aeropress upside down on a cup.

Step 2: Grinding the Coffee Beans

Grind your preferred coffee beans to medium-thick grinding. Using about 1 Aeropress measuring spoon (15-18 grams) of coffee usually provides good flavor.

Step 3: Add Coffee to Aeropress

Add the ground coffee to the bottom of the Aeropress.

Step 4: Add the water

Add the hot water to the inside of the Aeropress and stir gently with the mixer spoon or spatula. This ensures that the coffee is soaked homogeneously and helps the aromas of the beans to be better revealed.

Step 5: Plunger and Standby

Replace the aeropress’s lunger, but do not press it lightly. Allow a suitable amount of time (usually 1 to 1.5 minutes) for the coffee to brew. You can adjust the waiting time according to your taste.

Step 6: Mixing and Filtration

When the waiting time is complete, gently stir the Aeropress with the mixer spoon or spatula. Then place the Aeropress perpendicular to the cup and strain the coffee into the cup, pressing it gently. This allows the coffee grounds to remain in the Aeropress through filter paper or through the metal filter.

Step 7: Serve Your coffee in the cup!

Now you can enjoy it. You can optionally make an Americano-style coffee by adding hot water, or customize it however you want by adding milk and sugar.

Remember, results can vary depending on variables such as the coffee brewing process, the coffee beans used, the water temperature, and the brewing time. By experimenting with different things, you can find the most suitable coffee brewing method for you. Bon appetit!